About Me

Reading is my hobby, my obsession, and at times my entire life. The scene in Gilmore Girls where Dean discovers that Rory has brought a bok on their date, pretty much sums up every time I leave the house. I set various yearly reading goals for myself and find myself rather disapointed if I don't meet said goal. I blog about the books I read and I even work at a library.


In addition to reading, I love crafting (scrapbooking, plastic canvas, and others), cake decorating, baking, and photography. While I have no desire to turn any of these things into a permanent career, I wouldn't completly shoot it down if the opportunity did arise.

I adore good food, relaxing with a book and either some coffee or hot tea, and watching things like Gilmore Girls, How I Met Your Mother, and The Office. I am a chronic tv show re-watcher and am very bad at watching movies. I prefer to multi-task while doing either which may be why I am better at watching shows as I can get more done in the length of a season than a movie.

I am very lucky to have a great family, both actually related to me and extended (and this includes friends too). There are so many people that mean the world to me. I also have my wonderful critters with the unconditional love as well as their accidental clumsiness which helps to keep my life interesting.

So basically, this is me. Any questions, feel free to ask! 

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