Tuesday, March 3, 2015

January and February 2015

So life got crazy busy the past two months. Why? Because I was stage managing a local play! And then it got even crazier when at the last minute, I was in said play. Due holidays and whatnot, we got a later start than would have been ideal, so the last two months have been a blur of lines, prop gathering, and nun costumes (The play was Drinking Habits in which two nuns are secretly keeping their convent afloat by making and selling wine. Things are all fine and dandy until they win a prize and two reporters show up trying to get a story. Hence, the nun costumes). In between that, there was a quick trip for Second Christmas, Birthday and Valentine's Day shenanigans, and a lot of book reading.

It's a little late (okay, a lot late), but here's my overview.

I met Clifford
I ate Cake
We Had Second Christmas
I tried Duck Pizza (who knew!? So Good!)
Library Kids are the Best!
And so are Boyfriends that make great Valentine's Dinners
I got way too excited
I hid backstage and took photos.

When I have them, I will post a few of the "official" pictures from the show (thanks to a good friend of mine for stepping in and taking pictures for us). And a huge thanks to every single person that supported the show, either by being in it, attending performances, sharing info, and for all of the other things, be it little or large, that helped bring this show to life! You rock!

And on the last day of February, I played in the snow!

Friday, January 2, 2015

December 2014

Well, another year has ended. Like every year, it had it's ups and downs, but all around I'd say it was a pretty good year. Here is a bit of what went on in my life in December.

I lit bags of sand on fire. Trust me, it's prettier than it sounds.

I decorated the tree.

I made homemade chips (delicious)

I made a wreath. Go Cowboys!

I made the cat take selfies.

I opened presents.This one contained a Gilmore Girls shirt. I also got a Harry Potter Snuggie.

I watched the dog play in the snow. Because it's cold and I didn't want to go outside.

I read. Like a crazy person. Though I forgot to count one so this should be 258. I'm insane like this.